Essential Oils for Beginners by Kac Young

12265165861?profile=RESIZE_180x180Kac Young shows you how these oils can be made into cleaning products, massage oils, aromatics, aphrodisiacs, magical formulas, and more. Explore the many ways essential oils can be used for personal empowerment and well-being, such as peppermint for pain relief and rosemary for weight loss. Designed to help you enjoy essential oils throughout your life, this impressive book provides profiles for each oil, application and safety guidelines, diffusing and pairing insights, recipes, and more. A must-have resource for your bookshelf, Essential Oils for Beginners enhances spirituality, happiness, beauty, and fortitude. A 5.2" & 7.8" paperback book with 384 pages.   $16.99

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  • Hey Dawn - where can i get the white pillar candle with the Howlite pendant? the Calming one? I think I could use it.


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Tarot Board

Altar Cloths

mother,maiden, crone crystal ball

5" Triple Moon Cauldron

Triple Moon Kettle 2 3/4"

Calming pillar candle with White Howlite pendant

Purple Moon